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Following workshops are planned:


Participants: a maximum of 20 school children (aged between 8 and 14)

Duration: 4 hours + preparation

Preparation: The importance of nature in the context of living is to be discussed in school. School children research what grows in their environment and try to find information on traditional uses of plants and trees, and exchange this knowledge with others in the group.

Workshop: invite the children to select one species each, and create illustrations and produce
posters or collages with these drawings and the information gathered.

Additionally, if possible: all children plant and grow one plant each, which they must care for, or
adopt an existing plant in their environment and nurture it.


Participants: a maximum of 20 school children (aged between 8 and 12)

Duration: 3-4 hours + preparation

Preparation: In the run-up to the workshop, pupils formulate in a short essay how they would like to live. These texts are collected during the workshop and presented on the project homepage. (A selection of these articles / essays will be translated into English).

Workshop: The children try to articulate their vision and dreams of living and habitation through
creative painting, handicrafts and collages.


Participants: a maximum of 20 school children (aged between 12 and 14)

Duration: 4 hours + preparation

Preparation: The children gather in small groups (of 4-5 children each) in school and think about
how people will live in India in 2050.

Possible questions could be:

  • What materials might be used to build houses in the future?
  • How might houses in the future be furnished?
  • How would they differ from the houses and flats of today?

In addition to this brainstorming, the children could collect materials from their environment, which
later can be used for handicrafts in the context of the workshop. (The idea is not to buy materials!)

Workshop: In small groups, the children and adolescents build models of houses and living spaces
and try to furnish them.

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In a number of creative workshops in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) led by Indian and European artists, pupils from various schools, street children, and children with special needs discussed their ideas of a “dream home”, living in the future and the role ecology will play in this context, and tried to express these ideas through creative means (drawings, models, collages etc).

The following is a small selection of these works, complete with photos taken at the workshops. Brief documentaries – often combined with commentary by and interviews with the workshop leaders – offer insights into the course of each of the activities and collaborations.

Workshop leaders (in various constellations):
Anita Andrzejewska (PL), Søren Jessen (DK), Varsha Nair (T), Sybille Vogel (A)

The topics of the workshops:

  • The lone tree
  • Living dreams
  • Living tomorrow
See the detailed guidelines for the preparation of the workshops

: more :

Institute for physically challenged people

Documentary (10:30)
info about the institution
painting #1painting #2painting #3panoramic painting 1panoramic painting 2panoramic paintingpanoramic painting Apang Manav Workshop A1 Apang Manav Workshop A2Apang Manav Workshop Apan
Apang Manav Workshop Fpan

Awarded public school in Bopal, near Ahmedabad, India

Documentary (11:34)
info about the institution
painting #1painting #2 painting #3 painting #4 painting #5 painting #6 painting #7 painting #8 painting #9 painting #10 painting #11 painting #12 painting #13 painting #14 painting #15 painting #16 painting #17 painting #18 painting #19

"A unique international school in Ahmedabad India"

info about the institution
painting #1painting #2painting #3painting #4painting #5painting #6painting #7 painting #8 painting #9painting #9painting #9 painting #9 painting #9
Mahatma Gandhi International #1 Mahatma Gandhi International #2 Mahatma Gandhi International #3 Mahatma Gandhi International #4 Mahatma Gandhi International #5 Mahatma Gandhi International #6 Mahatma Gandhi International #7 Mahatma Gandhi International #8 Mahatma Gandhi International #9Mahatma Gandhi International #10Mahatma Gandhi International #11Mahatma Gandhi International #12

Organisation for the education and welfare of underprivileged children

Documentary (09:30)
info about the institution
painting #1 painting #1
view all pictures from Ahmedabad->
additional workshops in Vienna:

Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee

info about the institution
Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Wenzel, Matteo, Gregor, Lena , Viktoria, Amelie, Simon, Lara, Jan, Michi & Helin Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Laura, Simon & Amelie Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Lisa, Selina & Gregor Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Michi, Ricardo, Lara, Selina & Matteo Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Anele Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Lena, Simon & Amelie Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Alexander, Jan, Amelie, Selina, Helin & Simon Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Matteo & Viktoria Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Wenzel & Alexander Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Mona & Jan Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Alexander, Selina, Helin & Matteo Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Amelie, Helin, Amon & Viktoria
Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #2 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #3 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #4 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #5 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #6 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #7 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #8 Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Alexander, Selina, Helin & MatteoGanztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Mona & JanGanztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Mona & JanGanztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Michi, Ricardo, Lara, Selina & Matteo Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Michi, Ricardo, Lara, Selina & Matteo Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Amelie, Helin, Amon & Viktoria Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Amelie, Helin, Amon & Viktoria Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Alexander, Jan, Amelie, Selina, Helin & Simon Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Lena, Simon & Amelie Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Lisa, Selina & Gregor Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Lisa, Selina & Gregor Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Wenzel & AlexanderGanztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Laura, Simon & AmelieGanztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Laura, Simon & Amelie Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernallee: Wenzel, Matteo, Gregor, Lena , Viktoria, Amelie, Simon, Lara, Jan, Michi & Helin Ganztagsvolksschule Aspernalle #24
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