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i note !
Photo workshop with German architectural photographer Klemens Ortmeyer
and Italian photographer Mattia Candiotti at the National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad
Klemens Ortmeyer Mattia Candiotti →


Over the course of a three-day workshop, students from various disciplines at the National Institute of Design (NID) immersed themselves in their assignments and their city; working both individually and in collaboration with the German architecture photographer Klemens Orthmeyer. Assembled daily, working groups of between five and nine participants approached various different districts. The aim was to produce independent studies and perspectives of the city around the topics motion, typology and housing space, and to demonstrate connections of city space, housing and living space in the various districts of Ahmedabad.

  1. Motion
    As ‘arteries of motion’, streets and alleyways open up the districts on both the small and the large scale. Density, fluctuation and various modes of transport yield information on the dynamics within the city.
  2. Typology
    A simple typological analysis provides information on time, location and the function of a building, and acts as an indicator to identify qualities of the visited districts .
  3. Living
    A view of the interior space provides information on the inhabitants. Analogies of quality of housing yield sociological information. For the photographic work a lightweight view camera (Alpa) and various 35mm cameras were employed. Experiences working with ‘slow cameras’, and the increased concentration on composition, were to inform the individual efforts.
The various visual approaches resulting from these objectives are now to be presented.

Photographs from the WS with Klemens Ortmeyer     ::    shot individually
 Amit Chordiya:

 - Connections Moving
Amit Chordiya #1 Amit Chordiya #2 Amit Chordiya #3 Amit Chordiya #4 Amit Chordiya #5 Amit Chordiya #6 Amit Chordiya #7
 - Moving Private Streets
Amit Chordiya #1 Amit Chordiya #2 Amit Chordiya #3 Amit Chordiya #4 Amit Chordiya #5
 - Typology
Amit Chordiya #1 Amit Chordiya #2 Amit Chordiya #3
 - Habitat
Amit Chordiya #1 Amit Chordiya #2 Amit Chordiya #3 Amit Chordiya #4
 Amit Sheokand:
Amit Sheokand #1 Amit Sheokand #2 Amit Sheokand #3 Amit Sheokand #4
 Asish Verma:
Asish Verma #1 Asish Verma #2 Asish Verma #3 Asish Verma #4 Asish Verma #5 Asish Verma #6
 Malav Sanghvi:

 - Connections Rail View
Malav Sanghvi #1 Malav Sanghvi #2 Malav Sanghvi #3 Malav Sanghvi #4 Malav Sanghvi #5 Malav Sanghvi #6
 - Connections Young and Old
Malav Sanghvi #1 Malav Sanghvi #2 Malav Sanghvi #3 Malav Sanghvi #4 Malav Sanghvi #5 Malav Sanghvi #6
 - Habitat Cloudscapes
Malav Sanghvi #1 Malav Sanghvi #2 Malav Sanghvi #3 Malav Sanghvi #4
 - Typology 1 - People
Malav Sanghvi #1 Malav Sanghvi #2 Malav Sanghvi #3 Malav Sanghvi #4 Malav Sanghvi #5
 - Typology 2 - Pattern
Malav Sanghvi #1 Malav Sanghvi #2 Malav Sanghvi #3 Malav Sanghvi #4 Malav Sanghvi #5 Malav Sanghvi #6
 Ratul Bhowmick:

 - Connections
Ratul #1 Ratul Bhowmick #2 Ratul Bhowmick #3 Ratul Bhowmick #4 Ratul Bhowmick #5
 - Food
Ratul #1 Ratul #2 Ratul #3 Ratul #4 Ratul #5
 - Habitat
Ratul #1 Ratul #2 Ratul #3 Ratul #4 Ratul #5 Ratul #6
 - Night
Ratul #1 Ratul #2 Ratul #3 Ratul #4 Ratul #5 Ratul #6
 - Survival
Ratul #1 Ratul #1 Ratul #1 Ratul #1
 - Typology
Ratul #1 Ratul #1 Ratul #1 Ratul #1 Ratul #1
Photographs from the WS     ::    shot in collaboration with Klemens Ortmeyer
 Day 1:
Zooming Day1 #1 Zooming Day1 #2 Zooming Day1 #3 Zooming Day1 #4 Zooming Day1 #5 Zooming Day1 #6 Zooming Day1 #7 Zooming Day1 #8 Zooming Day1 #9 Zooming Day1 #10
 Day 2:
Zooming Day2 #1 Zooming Day2 #2 Zooming Day2 #3 Zooming Day2 #4 Zooming Day2 #5 Zooming Day2 #6 Zooming Day2 #7 Zooming Day2 #8 Zooming Day2 #9 Zooming Day2 #10 Zooming Day2 #11 Zooming Day2 #12 Zooming Day2 #13 Zooming Day2 #14 Zooming Day2 #15 Zooming Day2 #16 Zooming Day2 #17 Zooming Day2 #18 Zooming Day2 #19 Zooming Day2 #20 Zooming Day2 #21 Zooming Day2 #22 Zooming Day2 #23 Zooming Day2 #24 Zooming Day2 #25 Zooming Day2 #26 Zooming Day2 #27 Zooming Day2 #28 Zooming Day2 #29

Day 3:
Zooming Day3 #1 Zooming Day3 #2 Zooming Day3 #3 Zooming Day3 #4 Zooming Day3 #5 Zooming Day3 #6 Zooming Day3 #7 Zooming Day3 #8 Zooming Day3 #9 Zooming Day3 #10 Zooming Day3 #11 Zooming Day3 #12 Zooming Day3 #13 Zooming Day3 #14 Zooming Day3 #15 Zooming Day3 #16


Mattia Candiotti →
Mattia Candiotti Klemens Ortmeyer →

Reportage “The street of India”

In ogni dove la strada ha una grande importanza, ma in India essa possiede un valore altissimo.

Non è soltanto una struttura di trasporto e di comunicazione fra posti diversi, non è solo un non-luogo di transizione urbano fra il pubblico e il privato.
Essa è un luogo, con una sua natura e una sua identità.

Oltre a consentire lo spostamento di merci e persone, la strada in India ha le caratteristiche di un centro di aggregazione sociale e culturale, è allo stesso tempo casa e piazza, luogo di lavoro e di divertimento, di svago e di preghiera.

In India la strada è vita.

In strada, sui suoi cigli, sui marciapiedi, le persone svolgono fra la folla ogni sorta di attività, da quelle più semplici e banali, fino a quelle che noi chiamiamo di retroscena e che svolgiamo nei luoghi più nascosti che abbiamo.

Intere famiglie, vittime della povertà, saldano sui marciapiedi un piccolo mobiletto contenente poche e indispensabili cose, come pentole e coperte, e fanno della strada la loro casa. La loro piccola proprietà privata senza muri.

Questo lavoro, fatto in collaborazione con due studenti del National Institute of Design di Ahmedabad, Nikita Dutt e Liju Das, aveva lo scopo di raccontare attraverso la fotografia la realtà della vita di strada indiana, che è vita tout court.

Tre fotografi, calati con i loro imparziali obiettivi nella calda, frenetica e povera realtà della strada di Ahmedabad, hanno ripreso il quotidiano.

Ciò che è stato e ciò che sarà.

Mattia Candiotti

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